Tuesday, May 8, 2007
you've got to be kidding me...

so there have been some things that have happened the past few months that were tough.

relentless actually.

folks that i'm close with at work are walking two feet away from me to avoid the black cloud. (their words, not mine). it's starting to get ridiculous...

so in the past three days (just ignoring the truly serious):

-i lost my i.d. (necessitating an early morning visit to the dmv today)
-the atm ate my bank card
-this morning, my car wouldn't start

there's more, but it's just too insane to give space. call me. we'll laugh about it.

so today, i'm claiming eeyore as my mascot. if for no other reason, i could use the rain cloud. it's freakin' hot outside!
posted by Jacqui at Tuesday, May 08, 2007 | Permalink |


At May 8, 2007 at 4:25 PM, Blogger Wealthedge

It's just needs a little re-framing, that's all.

It's not a raincloud. It's a little tan bear trying to get some honey.

Winnie was the one who sang about "little black rainclouds."

"I'm just a little black rain cloud
Hovering under the honey tree
I'm only a little black rain cloud
Pay no attention to little me
Ev'ryone knows that a rain cloud
Never eats honey, no, not a nip
I'm just floating around over the ground
Wondering where I will drip"

So it's not Eeyore as much as it is Winnie the Pooh.

It's not despair as much as God answering prayer -- making cuts and molding you like clay into the awesome woman you've asked Him to make you.

And he's done a fine job so far!



At May 8, 2007 at 4:36 PM, Blogger CRASH-CANDY

i'm sorry you are having a bad day! 8(


At May 9, 2007 at 6:22 AM, Blogger Jacqui

thanks both of you :-)

update to that...alex lost her cell phone last night...



At May 9, 2007 at 11:20 AM, Blogger Susie

On a brighter note, Lucy was attacked by two screaming puppies this morning, and handled it with aplomb...

...and the hot tub is hooked up!

Come on over and let the bubbles take you away...


At May 10, 2007 at 5:14 PM, Blogger Jacqui

lucy is the puppy we (i) rescued during the christmas play a couple of years ago. it seemed like a good idea to save a dog's life during tech week :-/

she started off and has remained QUITE a handful. last weigh in she was 70 lbs? (right around there) and she is as strong as a horse. if we could buckle down and train her, she would be an incredible frisbee dog. she can jump like nobody's business!!

thanks to the dawsons for lucy care this week!!